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I had the most incredible time at my buddy’s wedding in Vail last weekend. Not only was the setting beautiful, but it offered a unique vantage point for me to review and analyse the people who’ve helped mould me into the guy I am today. There’s something about hiking and being surrounded by natural beauty which invites an introspective moment of reflection and gratitude for life.

I was fortunate enough to be part of the wedding party and was impressed with those I found myself around. We are the company we keep—this couldn’t have been more apparent. Many were hockey players (mostly Middlebury guys) but some were not. I got emotional on the way back to the airport reminiscing about the all of the great conversations we had while we celebrated the union of two great people.

The most common theme I walked away with was how much my friends value honesty, integrity and complimenting one another. When someone’s doing something great, we let each other know—it feels good to hear this and receive it. It reaffirms us that what we’re doing adds value and is inspirational to the those around us and the ones we love. When someone is being a poop-head and slips up, we remind them that that’s not who they are and suggest corrective action.

A group chat was started after the wedding and one friend wrote:

“Fellas, it was such a treat to get to spend the last couple days with you all. Sully it was a perfect wedding and hopefully you’re buried in Italian pastries right now. To steal an idea from someone I respect, you don’t know what kind of (friends) you have when you’re 20 years old but you do know what kind of (friends) you have when you become fiancés, husbands, dads, etc… We can say we have a hell of a (friendship) and I admire you all a ton. Forever grateful we can call each other friends and, pot meet kettle, let’s not wait so long anymore.”

A friend responded: “My favourite part is we didn’t skip a beat. Didn’t matter if I saw a guy a month ago or five years. We just picked right back up as if we had been hanging the night before.”

I’m grateful for my family and friends. If you haven’t told someone how much they mean to you recently, consider this your impetus. Thanks for reading—be nice and be kind. #NiceWins

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