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Excuses or Explanations

Fulwood Landscape

On Friday at work I began bouncing this around with a few of my colleagues. For some, it seems like there is hardly a differentiation between the two. For others, accepting an explanation as to why something didn’t get done shows compassion by the observer.

For me, it’s relatively straightforward. An explanation is only valid when there is an act of God or a catastrophe that prevents you from doing something. Explanations are acceptable when it was fate—there was only one possible outcome. For example—you’re late to work because you were rear—ended at a stop sign. An excuse is when you’re late because there was “heavy traffic.” When catastrophic events deter your path on a mission to get something done, an explanation is valid—it’s based in truth.

The next time you think about saying “I didn’t have enough time,” try saying “it wasn’t important enough for me to get it done.” See how that makes you feel. Excuses are nothing more than attempts at rational explanations to avoid penalty or disappointment. They’re used as a comforting mechanism to make the person speaking them feel better about their lack of execution. An excuse is almost always a lie. An explanation is the truth, which is why rephrasing “I didn’t have enough time” with “it wasn’t important enough for me to get it done” is the ultimate equaliser.

DM me on Instagram or send me a text if you agree or disagree. I love exploring this stuff and I'm grateful you've taken the time to read along. I hope you can be a positive influence to those around you this week. Look out for excuses; they're bad for your health. God bless.

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